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We received over 65,000 phone calls last year.

32,742 clients served

10,000 plus deliveries made

Emma's House Interview


27,408 baby items delivered to Calgary & Area infants and toddlers!

To assist in giving their babies the best possible start in life, the ICU2 program delivers donated baby items to moms and dads who couldn’t otherwise afford them.



We know that when parents don’t have to worry so much about how they will be able to purchase and provide essential items for their homes, they are able to focus on the more important matters in life; we offer year-round access to new and gently used furniture, as well as other essential household items.

187,720 furniture items delivered to neighbours that really needed them in 2013!


During the holiday season,the Adopt-A-Family program connects families and neighbours in a way that is truly unique. With a wish-list in hand, families bring gifts and other items right to the recipient family’s door, allowing neighbours to connect with neighbours, and bridges to form over barriers.

NeighbourLinkers adopted 116 families in December helping 530 individuals !

Please watch this heartwarming video showcasing the powerful impact of our Adopt-A-Family program. Made by the folks at Pandell Corporation. 

"It's not just a phone call." Please listen to our interview with Cynthia Runke from NeighbourLink and Judy Osbourne of Emma's House. 


Our Help Line is the first point of contact for clients. Information and Referral Specialists work with individuals and families to assess their needs, connecting them to NeighbourLink programs and community resources.


Our Programs

No Crib for a Bed

Year round, we invite organizations and groups to fill cribs with baby necessities. These cribs are donated to ICU2.

Food Bank Hamper Deliveries

NeighbourLink volunteers deliver food hampers to neighbours who don’t have transportation, ensuring they may still access the benefits of the Calgary Food Bank.

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